April Check In

Hi all, I’ve not been very active lately and for the one or two people that actually enjoys reading/listening to my ramblings then I’m sorry for that.. to everyone else… You’re welcome! lol

Anyway! My website subscription renewed yesterday and pretty much wiped out my bank account for the rest of the month, (which really isn’t a big deal) as I could just cancel the subscription and walk away from the website and possibly just forget about photography altogether for a bit. but I do still love photography and would hate to do that, so it ultimately did get me to thinking! and my final thought was that I had to do something with the website rather than walking away or just leave it ticking over on idle for another year and actually do with it what I first intended to do. keep in touch with the followers of the page and social media accounts and share my photography journey with you all, share the wee things I learn along the way and offer some opinions or possible advice that might be helpful for people starting out in photography, and hopefully answer some of the questions I had and still have about photography when I picked up my first camera myself that you may have too.

So, This weekend I’ve set aside some time to start on a few short blog posts talking about subjects such as “ISO invariance”, and “Composition” and I also hope to get out for a few hours tomorrow and try and capture the Milky Way core (and hopefully maybe even comet P/12 Pons-Brook) since we have a possible clear sky predicted for Sunday morning so fingers crossed all goes well for that as I hope to be able to capture a few images there for the ISO Invariance blog post/tutorial as well as capturing some images to add to the “Capturing the Night Sky” series, that I plan to make into a free e-book at some point.

A slightly bigger move coming up for the rest of this month for me will be looking into possibly doing a couple of photography location tours, (bordering on workshops). I plan to start off with just offering it as a photography location tour, showing some of the amazing locations I’ve either stubbled across or researched to find while out on my travels, but not specifically thinking “workshop” as I still don’t feel I’m at a level where I could actually teach anything to anyone about photography with any real degree of confidence, but that being said I’ll be happy to offer any advice that might be practical, and will also go over my own approach/workflow at these scenes if asked. but for now I’ll just be hoping to offer the best possible Photo Location Tour anywhere in Scotland. :) so keep your eyes peeled for that as spaces will be very limited at first, at least until I can find myself a minibus/combi van which I do hope to be able to get sometime soon. I’ll be putting up an Upcoming Event post on the website for that in the coming days with all of the relevant details.

So, that’s my April Check In, and I plan to do a check In post each month just keeping you all up to date on what’s happening and some of the photography plans I might have for that coming month. so if you want to keep up to date then please consider subscribing to my mailing list to make sure you don’t miss any of the upcoming events, discounts, blog posts and tutorials.

And as always! If you have anything you would like to ask, or even anything you would like to offer as advice then please don’t hesitate to leave a comment in the comment box below.

Best Regards.



Compositional “Rules”


Scottish Field Magazine